Former ‘Oklahoma Field of the Year West’ as presented by the Oklahoma Baseball Coaches Association.
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Former ‘Oklahoma Field of the Year West’ as presented by the Oklahoma Baseball Coaches Association.
OSSA State High School Baseball Tournaments
The Northwest Optimist High School Baseball Tournament
D-Bat Baseball
Sooner Collegiate Baseball
The Sunbelt Classic Baseball Camp
The Oklahoma City All-City High School Baseball Tournament
American Legion Summer Baseball
Oklahoma City High School Baseball
In 1985, through 1986, Coach Palmer took a break from high school baseball in order to build the baseball facilities at Dolese Park. These facilities, with the assistance and affiliation of The Northwest Optimist Club of Oklahoma City and City of Oklahoma City Parks & Recreation, have continued to grow over the years hosting many prominent baseball events including over 40 OSSAA State High School Baseball Tournaments, The Sunbelt Classic Baseball Camp, The Oklahoma City All-City High School Baseball Tournament and the Northwest Optimist High School Baseball Tournament. In addition, these fields are also home to several summer Legion teams and Oklahoma City high school baseball teams; providing facilities that serve over 3,000 kids annually.
In recognition of his dedication and commitment for a better community, “Field 1” will now be referenced “Palmer Field” and will exhibit such name.